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Samyutta Nikaya XX.4

Okkha Sutta

Serving Dishes

Staying at Savatthi. "Monks, if someone were to give a gift of one hundred serving dishes [of food] in the morning, one hundred at mid-day, and one hundred in the evening; and another person were to develop a mind of good-will -- even for the time it takes to pull on a cow's udder -- in the morning, again at mid-day, and again in the evening, this [the second action] would be more fruitful than that [the first].

"Thus you should train yourselves: 'Our release of awareness through good-will will be cultivated, developed, pursued, given a means of transport, given a grounding, steadied, consolidated, & well-undertaken. That's how you should train yourselves."

See also: Iti 27.
Source: ATI - For Free Distribution Only, as a Gift of Dhamma.

Dhamma Essay:
The Problem of Conflict by Bhikkhu Bodhi

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